Are you affiliated with anyone?

Absolutely not. Collectively and individually, we get approached by all manner of companies, offering a whole range of items and we decided very early on, that in order to remain completely impartial, we would not nail our particular flag to any one mast.

Do you get paid for your reviews?


Is there anything you won't review?

Admittedly, there are certain products we get offered that don't meet our particular wheelhouses and it can be difficult to write an objective and thoughtful review on something that doesn't hold much interest for us.

Are all your reviews limited to products you've received for free?

No. We spend small fortunes on buying items in an attempt to enrich our day to day lives and we re quite happy to post reviews on these products too.

Is reviewing stuff hard work?

Yes!. If the product you're reviewing is new to market, then it's very important to be objective and cover all the salient points so that a potential purchaser can make an informed choice. At the other end of the spectrum, are the products which have already had a number of reviews, so trying to review in an original way can be difficult too.

I'm a vendor and I want you to review my products.

Please get in touch, you can contact us by clicking here or by completing the "contact us" form on the right hand side of this page,


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